
A Dead wonderland -Prologue

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"Come on!" John yelled at his siblings Sally and Liu before disappearing behind some more trees. "Where are we going again?" Sally asked ""To this cool cave thingy I found!" He replied with excitement, "What's so cool about it?" Lui asked with a tone that said he couldn't care less "..It was all glowing and stuff" answered his brother turning left by a crooked tree. "Are you sure you didn't just dream this up? Cause I'm pretty sure we're lost in this dumb old forest." "No it was really here! I discovered it myself!" "Everything in the world has already been discovered, right Sally?" Sally said nothing she had only come along to make sure her younger brothers wouldn't get lost in the forest, which she had failed to do because as far as she knew all three of them were lost. 
"Were here!" John exclaimed pointing to a cave like thing in front of him. "It's not glowing." Said Liu with half disappointment and half 'I knew it'. "No, no! You has to go inside!" "I'm not sure if that's very safe," Sally finally said "there could be bats with rabies or bears or who knows what. All I'm saying is maybe it's not a good idea." John looked at her with confusion and disappointment, his ears drooped a little "Fine, me and Liu are going then" he said stepping into the mouth of the cave. Liu hesitated for a moment before joining his brother in the cave. Sally quickly joined them, hoping no dangers laid ahead. The damp smell of something rotten filled the air as they went further into the cave. A faint neon yellow glow appeared within the cave "Wow!" "John, how did you find this place?" Sally asked "I got lost here in the forest when I was chasing a butterfly" Sally didn't say anything, she was distracted by the thing producing the faint glow. The thing was shaped like a crystal but looked more like a gem. "It's so shiny!" One of her brothers exclaimed. "Finders keepers!" Liu said starting to reach for it "No way! It's mine, I found it!" John yelled pushing him aside. He struggled to get it out of the night black stone. The stone was actually soft and had a bunch of swirling designs on it in the same neon color of the gem. John finally managed to get it out "Ha!" He said waving it in Liu's face, who was still on the dirt ground. "Guys we should be heading home soon," Sally said helping Liu up "it's starting to get dark. John do you think you can get us home from here?" John was hypnotized by his new treasure but answered "Yeah" 
When they all got home, they told their parents about their adventure at dinner. Liu was a little jealous but tried to brush off the feeling, John was joyful about his treasure, and Sally was relieved John was able to get them home. Before bed, John put the gem like thing in a sacred little box he had by his bed and looked out at the forest one more time.

"Give it back! Return it to me you thief!" The cat-like creature roared at John in a extremely deep voice. It's fur had the same design as the rock John had taken the gem from, and had one big shiny eye. They were on the same big cave. "I-I don't have it-" "LIES! LIES FROM THE UNCLEAN MOUTH!" The thing interrupted with even more anger than before. "I'm s-sorry, i di-didn't know it belonged to someone" "If you do not return it by sunrise, you and your whole peaceful beautiful wonderland will meet with a bad fate. Do not fail me" John jerked upward, he was still in bed. Just a bad dream he thought. He looked over at his little box, which sat in there untouched. He wondered if the gem thing would still glow. As he was about to lay down he saw something small and strange run across the room. He wanted to know what it had been, but he thought maybe he imagined it and was to tired to go and find out so he laid back down; the creatures deep voice repeating its words in his head over and over.
Next: Coming soon :)
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